Evult Unternehmensberatung & Ingenieurbüro

The Six Sigma Method

Where Does Six Sigma Come From?

Six Sigma was developed by Motorola and became known worldwide thanks to its consistent implementation at General Electrics and the associated corporate success.  Today, Six Sigma technology is used by many other companies, including Raytheon, Allied Signal and Siemens.

What is Six Sigma all about?

It is a procedural principle that optimizes processes, products and thus also the company's profits.

Six Sigma includes creativity and mind mapping techniques as well as statistical methods for evaluation and decision-making. The basic procedure is: measure - analyze - improve - control, which means measuring or taking stock of the current situation, analyzing the current situation, improving, implementing and monitoring whether/how the improvement measure is taking effect, what it is achieving and what needs to be pursued in the future [1].

How Does It Work In Your Company?

Suppose you see a problem in your company, e.g. that the coordination between departments is not right, that there is too much waste in production, that there are too many service failures or that your products are not making enough profit compared to the competition.

You then appoint a Six Sigma representative to deal with this problem. This person deals with this problem in depth. A team is put together that has the necessary know-how for the problem. The Six Sigma representative analyzes the current status together with the team - if necessary, measurements are carried out on the topic (all possible influencing factors are recorded so that even seemingly illogical correlations and interactions can be discovered in the evaluation).

Afterwards, the individual points are gone through in order of importance and solutions are sought. This can be done through teamwork or statistical evaluation of measurements. If necessary, the solutions are optimized in test series.

Once a clear basis for a decision has been established, the concept is presented to the decision-makers and implemented following approval. The success of the implementation is monitored and presented to the decision-makers in a summary.

If you are satisfied with the result and want to take further measures, the points of lower priority are also improved. This continues until further changes no longer seem worthwhile.

6 Sigma

Six Sigma

stands for a very low error rate, sigma is the Greek letter used for the statistical standard deviation. 6 Sigma therefore means six times the standard deviation, which corresponds to a rate of 3.4 errors per million.

This symbolizes the increased quality awareness.












[1] Weiterführende Literatur: P. S. Pande, R. P. Neumann, R. R. Cavanagh, „Six Sigma erfolgreich einsetzen“;
M. Harry, R. Schroeder, „Six Sigma“



What Else Does Evult Offer?

Holistic Principles

Evult not only offers consulting on a technical or organizational level, but takes a holistic approach to the tasks at hand.

An absolute key factor for the success of a company is the human factor.  Negative "hard facts" are usually at the end of some process failures, which are caused, among other things, by communication problems and the diversity of people - i.e. "soft skills".

Technical and statistical methods are not enforced according to a fixed scheme, but rather the background is taken into account from the perspective of holistic project management.




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