Evult Unternehmensberatung & Ingenieurbüro

Evult Unternehmensberatung und Ingenieurbüro       Consulting and Engineering Company

Evult is the consulting and engineering company of Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Christoph Mayer.

The word "evult" is created out of "to evolve" and "to consult" what is supposed to mean I try to help your company or product to evolve to its full potential.


  • apprentice as an Radio- and TV Technician (1984-1988)
  • study of elektronic engineering and information technics (1991-1994)
  • Employed as System Engineer and Projekt leader in Notebook PC Development at Fujitsu-Siemens. (1995-2000)
  • Employed as System Engineer and Projekt Leader in navigation receiver deveopment at  MAN Technology AG. (2000-2001)
  • Working as self employed person in consulting and engineering. (2001)
  • Tutor for Projectmanagement and Softwareengineering at the technician school in Augsburg (2002 .. 2011) 

Please click here to get more information.


I've got international contacts to

  • Europe
  • USA
  • Taiwan / China
  • Japan  


For a more detailed CV please click here.

 Evult Engineering and Consulting Ingenieurbüro Unternehmensberatung Outsourcing Zeitarbeit Projektmanagement Prozeßoptimierung Produktoptimierung Six Sigma Blackbelt Black Belt Projekte R&D mass production Serienproduktion cost reduction Kostenreduzierung Schulungen Coaching Spirituell Systemische Organisationsaufstellungen Bert Hellinger

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